The cool of morning
means blankets are required
for a brief moment
When you watch the trees
When you watch the trees
some days they’ll move in circles
made drunk by the wind
You don’t see backstage
You don’t see backstage
encouragements and kind eyes
the source of their strength
Death cold-called my phone
Death cold-called my phone
I hadn’t known my heart died
her voice stirred something
My missus and I
My missus and I
the years have run like rabbits*
emptied our burrow
*Deliberately past tense
after WH Auden
There’s still time to learn
There’s still time to learn
there are always improvements
and more to unlearn
Show up for your friends
Show up for your friends
give presents of your presence
show where your heart lies
Healing tanka
When feeling broken
healing can mean aligning
move into new thoughts
put your body in service
let energy move through you
Journaling tanka
Skim scum off your pond
prioritise mental health
writing is a gift
anybody can do it
catch lofty goals and big dreams
Sounds like a crowd cheers
Sounds like a crowd cheers
I'm watching an empty beach
as big waves smash rocks
[Occasional tanka]
writing is not visual
language becomes tools
these words are an instrument
I play guitar with four hands
Brightness falls from air
Brightness falls from air
experiments with lightning
forming through vapours