The sun behind me

The sun behind me
watching a bird's shadow fly
on the wattle bloom

That nascent moustache

That nascent moustache
incongruent on his face
taught my son to shave

Golden dots on sticks

Golden dots on sticks
a firework frozen in light
varnish wattle blooms

Birdsong is changing

Birdsong is changing
as I am awake to hear
spring days start early

Dirt under my nails

Dirt under my nails
pile of uprooted clover
tending the good weeds

As the seasons change

As the seasons change
whistling outside my window
a new melody

Eyeing her subject

Eyeing her subject
pencil dancing on the page
I watch Jo draw plants

Yellow explosion

Yellow explosion
heralding spring's arrival
wattles in blossom

Icy August wind

Icy August wind
drills a way through my garments
on clear sunny days

The walls closing in

The walls closing in
toes numb under the covers
another cold night

Both my youngest kids

Both my youngest kids
listening to Hamilton
murmuring lyrics

Feels like younger days

Feels like younger days
shunning sleep to finish work
dreaming while awake

His whole face crinkles

His whole face crinkles
folds in a kind of softness
accommodating me

Caught in the moment

Caught in the moment
words tumbled out from my mouth
their look hides disgust

My bike was stolen

My bike was stolen
I worked through emotions quick
still I lost a day

Some have forgotten

Some have forgotten
our most humanest birthright

Enjoy that moment

Enjoy that moment
reflecting on reflection
self-love is still love

Motivation slips

Motivation slips 
among gaps in to-do lists
it must be Friday

I met on the road

I met on the road
among dumped expectations
the end of the year

For fifty dollars

For fifty dollars
the curls that framed his young face
all dropped to the floor

As winter drags on

As winter drags on
wattle trees begin to bloom
sunlight increases

Vanilla with oak

Vanilla with oak
cherry, plum and tobacco
last from cellar

Through empty branches

Through empty branches
then between my flesh and clothes
winter winds blowing

Something haunting me

Something haunting me
feeling I should be busy

Poked through memories

Poked through memories
distortions of importance
strange significance

Small acknowledgment

Small acknowledgment
I found myself in a quote
and felt understood

Rise but mostly fall

Rise but mostly fall
as strong winds blow sheets of rain
across sheets of roof

Confusion a mask

Confusion a mask
falling as a rubber band
breaks our truce again

Water disappears

Water disappears
lying still in the hot bath
then burns as I shift

Pulling on nose hairs

Pulling on nose hairs
stirring explosive sneezes
I am a bald ape

Intimate moments

Intimate moments
connect across afternoons
hedonistic days