The club in my dream

The club in my dream
became a department store
bought a cymbal toy 

After carrying

After carrying
we both had stains on our shirts
charcoal grey sofa 

Work with what comes up

Work with what comes up
intuition is your guide
don’t overthink it 

Your problems aren’t solved

Your problems aren’t solved
process experiences
complete the homework 

These conversations

These conversations
people have about themselves
reinforce fictions 


landscapes need humans for scale
shrink figures for awe 

Be porous in thoughts

Be porous in thoughts
collaborate with nature
art is alchemy

What do you absorb?

What do you absorb?
soaking the environment
connecting through space 

Give and be received

Give and be received
one-way flow in video
a delayed process 

Healing tanka

When feeling broken
healing can mean aligning
move into new thoughts
put your body in service
let energy move through you 

Reconnect with baths

Reconnect with baths
your aquatic beginnings
rebirth each day 

Listening to bells

Listening to bells
feeling their waves roll over
massaged by their sounds 

A line lights the sky

A line lights the sky
stepping outside this morning
shooting star blessing 

I mowed back the mint

I mowed back the mint
now butterflies aren't landing
my garden bores me 

Journaling tanka

Skim scum off your pond
prioritise mental health
writing is a gift
anybody can do it
catch lofty goals and big dreams 

Sounds like a crowd cheers

Sounds like a crowd cheers
I'm watching an empty beach
as big waves smash rocks 

There’s no confusion

There’s no confusion
no sort of chance elements
completely scripted 

Cutting back coffee

Cutting back coffee 
as it's only effective
if it has effect

Daylight saving ends

Daylight saving ends 
I turn off the microwave
then on at midday

Out past breaking waves

Out past breaking waves
the scene seems to lose focus
as the ocean smooths 

Beach sign says "no dogs"

Beach sign says "no dogs"
yet every family
walks with exceptions 

Without being weird

Without being weird
feel free to share fears of death
write songs to a ghost 

Within and without

Within and without
inhabiting boundaries
in-between spaces 

Focus and foci

Focus and foci
spectacle and surveillance
this tree grows webcams


Serving sentences

Serving sentences
manipulating language
expressing power 

A glimpse of beauty

A glimpse of beauty
yet if I return to see
it’s not the same scene


One cup for the day

One cup for the day
little sips while I’m offline
my cup of restraint 

Copywriting words

Copywriting words
worrying they want my best
when they take my worst 

Unannounced ideas

Unannounced ideas
their knocking is not a kick
invite them inside 

Sound travels through us

Sound travels through us
vibrating our essences
our porosity 

A sixth sense of sorts

A sixth sense of sorts
feeling different pressures
fish have these organs 

Practicing self-care

Practicing self-care
requires transcending the self
nurturing the soul