Sharp exhalation

Sharp exhalation
sliding into a hot bath
worries wash away 

In my dreams a home

In my dreams a home
dandelions grow from concrete
nature finds a way

Between dark rain clouds

Between dark rain clouds
streaking across sunlit trees
shadows are flying

Surplus bone in bed

Surplus bone in bed
elbows can spoil a moment
yet they're soft inside

Damp gardens oozing

Damp gardens oozing
night blossoms perfume cool air
as dusk throws shadows 

Neighbourhood noises

Neighbourhood noises
so many unhappy dogs
owned by mean people 

The old cat and I

The old cat and I
we understand each other
he runs from my yard

NASA research shows

NASA research shows
mysterious light sources
equal all known light 

Hot and windy day

Hot and windy day
summer is starting early
hayfever persists

My home is a mess

My home is a mess
life is no tidy affair
homes are for living 

Not saying I'm god

"Not saying I'm god
but has anyone seen god
and me together?" 

Barren patch of earth

Barren patch of earth
frequented by the sparrows
enjoying dust baths 

As the reeds each move

As the reeds each move
one by one while a bird shifts
camera ready

Solstice approaches

Solstice approaches
sunlight like warm harmonics
strange blooms beckon me 

I plan what to cook

I plan what to cook
consulting weather forecasts
as summer begins 

Let me put it here

Let me put it here
message to single parents
you do what you can 

Watching doctors work

Watching doctors work
seeing my child's discomfort
feeling conflicted 

Try to remember

Try to remember
my most important thinking
doesn’t need a screen 

Defying the wind

Defying the wind
butterflies circling around
dancing dervishes

Navigate details

Navigate details
complications mark our lives
no threads to follow

Recognise limits

Recognise limits
nothing is going to last
yet we fall in love 

Look all around you

Look all around you
behold those little insects
know they run the Earth 

First a cockatoo

First a cockatoo
then I hear a magpie's song
suspect a mimic 

A lesson to learn

A lesson to learn
when I think to hold my tongue
it's always too late 

Some disturbances

Some disturbances
work like weeding the compost
they aerate the heap 

On Wagga's lagoons

On Wagga's lagoons
lonely frogs call their lover

Sparrow at window

Sparrow at window
clutching onto the fly screen 
watching me watching

Trucks in the distance

Trucks in the distance
I woke to the sound of bees
the hum of traffic